Thursday, October 31, 2013

Idea of progress ( Alexandre F. TES2 )

Theme : The idea of progress .

We have chosen this 3 documents because they are related in the same idea of scientist progress.
Progress is very present in our time but isn't it a danger?

My first document is ' 6th day ' , this video talks about an industry that raises animals by cloning.
I'm afraid of cloning because we need to let the dead rest in peace.
Life has no price, factories can not use life and death to earn money.
We can't replace a lost dog by the same dog.
Cloning is not natural it could be dangerous.

My second document is the text A and the picture page 64.
In this document, scientists are seeking perfection. Their scientists are trying to make a perfect human. They using genetic to make a strong and ideal baby. However, the baby like the scientists and the scientists are ugly, it's ironic.
I'm against that because we can't create a perfect human because nobody is perfect.

My third document in the text B on page 64.
This document is an article from a newpaper, ' USA Today ' , published on October 1, 2010 .
This document tells a true story about genetic selection .
Molly was sick and her mother had implanted an embryo so that he can saves her daughter.

I'm for the genetic selection because she can saves lives by treating diseases . 

The idea of progress by Camille Lacour TS3

I’m going to talk about the idea of progress. This notion evokes a positive evolution, the act of improving and perfecting mankind. In class, we have studied many documents in relation with the notion and I’ve chosen four of them which, according to me, represent the idea of progress the most and I’m going to present them to you.  

To begin, I’ve decided to talk about scientific progress because, today, science is able to do what was once science fiction like cloning, selective breeding and designer babies and that’s why I’ve chosen the document I’m going to present.
It’s the cartoon on page 62 which illustrates the theme of selective breeding. This picture represents a little skinny man grabbed by a claw to be thrown in a trash container because he’s different from the other men lined up on the conveyor belt. The cartoonist is trying to show us with an ironic point of view how genetic selection works. But this funny cartoon raises a problem. Indeed, we can imagine that this technique could be used to create a perfect model of the man choosing what characteristics he would own and this could lead to a world where there would be no place for differences.
This fact is perfectly illustrated by the second document I’ve chosen. It’s an article from an online newspaper about genetic selection (on page 64). In this text, the technique is ironically compared to a fast-food order that future parents would make to create the baby they want choosing eye color, height and even IQ. If this idea could be frightening, it could also be amazing if this technique was used to save a life as in the second article studied in class.
But science isn’t the only thing to improve in our present society, that’s why we decided to present two other documents about another kind of progress: social progress.
Indeed, today, many things have to be changed to make our society work better and it’s the reason why we are going to talk about a document which concerns education. In fact, that’s a speech by Sir Ken Robinson which explains how to change the education of today to allow to every child to take place in the society because he says that the present education was designed for a different age and that, now, it doesn’t work anymore. To be efficient, he proposes to let children develop their differences to allow each of them to think on their own.
As we are talking about giving a chance to each person, we’re going to finish our presentation with our last document which is a speech pronounced by Barack Obama. Indeed, this document is about giving the American nationality to young people called the dreamers who are sons and daughters of immigrants and who have always lived in the USA. The President is explaining to all the American people that those young people feel American in their heart and in their mind but they’re not on paper and that’s why they deserve the American nationality, because they’ve always lived in America, they sometimes even don’t know the country their parents come from.

So if we try to link together each document, we can say that each of them represents a form of progress. Even if they are representing different types of progress such as scientific or social progress, they are raising the same problem because an advance can be called progress only if there are benefits for our society and some advances like cloning or genetic selection create a debate, many points of view confront each other : is it a good idea or not ? The problem is exactly the same for social progress ; there are different points of view… So, the question is : Can we call it a progress if the advance creates a debate in our society?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The idea of progress by Zakia EL Moussaoui

I'm going to talk about the idea of progress and I am going to begin by defining what the progress means. It is a positive evolution, it is the act of improving, of perfecting. We have to study many documents which are in relation with this notion. To illustrate this, I selected three of them which I am going to present to you.

In the first place I selected the document « Free at last ». This document relates a social progress because in this text the narrator changes his habits and becomes a better man. This text talks about the offenders who try to change and stop doing the bad things they used to do. The scene takes place in a correctional institution in Bostral where people can practice sports. The goal of this text is to show that these people can change if they really want it. It's a good therapy for young offenders because that allows them to escape and think about nothing except sports. We can say that , this has a good impact because this system allows these people to get on the straight and narrow path.

The second document is the video of a « hero » who is William Kamkwamba. It's a technical progress because this video talks about windmills which are built by William for his neighbours and his family. The action takes place in a poor region of Malawi. I believe it represents a revolutionary innovation because this construction allowed to help people who needed it. Morever, we can say that William is a « hero » due to the fact that without anything he was able to build what he intended to. The advantage is that this project is going to bring electricity to William's neighbours. The electricity is very important and very precious in this region because Malawi is a poor country; people live in small houses which are badly isolated and they are no electricity, no water : it's misery. Indeed, these windmills are their only hope to improve their living conditions. This video does William's praise because he built these windmills without help and wihout knowing how to speak english. This makes him a « hero ».

The last one is « Sixt-Day », a movie. It's a scientist progress because this movie talks about human cloning. People who are concerned are Adam, the scientist and the dog of Adam's daughter. The scene takes place in the shop which is called « Re-Pet ». This process allows to clone animals that are dead. This process has lots of advantages : it's as safe as real pets, it's the same dog , it will remember everything.
For example, it will remember where all the bones are buried. Also, we can genetically modify it like we want. However ,it's dangerous for Adam's daughter because the dog can bite her with his sharp teeth. Finally, the dog won't have a soul.

As you were able to notice it, these three documents are about different types of progresses which have both positives and negatives. But it is no different than the world itself which constantly evolves and progresses but not always in a positive way.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Idea Of Progress (Baptiste TES2)

The Idea of Progress

The idea of progress is to advance scientific and technological ideas. To help us in day-to-day life, for exemple. We are going to speak about three documents who oppose the ideas in the article.

The first document is a video, the movie is "The Sixth Day", the video talks about cloning of animals. It takes place in a "Repet Store" which is a store to clone lost animals. Adam came to see and to know if it is not dangerous as proceeded. The clone could be whitout soul and have the sharpteeth. But the salesman gives that advantages. For exemple, have the same dog, save his dogs and that proven the techhnology. I think it is bad because the dog will never be the same, it's impossible.
The second document is the text A and the picture on page 64. The picture is the cartoon, shows us with two big an ugly doctors while searching the perfect baby. The scientists doing research the perfect human with dna. This babies are "designer baby". However, we could talk about business, it's not natural. This process would not be good for the human species, there would be fewer differences and everyone would be perfect and causes discrimination for designer babies.

The last documents is the text B on page 64. this document is a newspaper. This document talks about genetic selection. There is one for and one against,for exemple, for to save lives, to cure diseases and to recreate a dead person. And against, it's not natural, could be dangerous, not completely safe and against laws on bioethics. I think the genetic selection can bring a lot to the improvement of life expectancy.

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Idea of progress (Sebbar Nouhaila TES2)

       Hi, I'm gonna talk about The idea of progress. To begin, i'm gonna define the term of progress which corresponds to going to a higher level, to expand, to grow in stages. To illustrate my presentation of the Idea of Progress I chose three documents studied in class.

First I chose the document video on William Kamkwamba. It's a technical project, he made windmill. The people concerned by progress are William's family and close neighbours. The action take place in a poor region of Malawi. It talk about a revolutionnar innovation because in this document we learn that William built a windmill with nothing. It's beneficial project because it'll give electricity to a lot of people, it's also a positive impact for them, The author of the video want to make William's praise for what he've done.

Then i chose the document « Free at Last » from the book. It talks about a social progress because the narrator changing his hobbies is becoming a better man. The young offenders are concerned by pregress. The action set in Bostral, a correctionnal institution. The stake is to show to us that the young offenders can change. The advantages are that this system make them do sport and it also make them think of something else, it will enable them take care of their minds and escape to avoid start their bad habits. It's a positive impact because it allows them to change.
To sum up i chose the document from the film « The Sixth day » about human cloning. It's a scientific progress. The people concerned are Adam, the scientist and Adam's daughter's dog who is dead, The scene take place in a shop which called « Repet ». The goal of this shop is to clone pets who are dead. The advantages are that it's safe, it's a proven technology, the dog is the same, it will remember everything, all the tricks, all the details. But the disadvantages are that it's dangerous, it will have no soul and it could have starp teeth.
     To put it in a nutshell i chose these three ducuments because in each case there is a progress although they are different. It also proves that progress exist.

Written by Sebbar Nouhaila. TES2

The Idea of Progress (Marie L - TS3)

I'm going to talk about the idea of progress. This theme evokes the progressive development of humankind. To illustrate the notion I have chosen four documents because I think that they show very good the theme of idea of progress. So we might ask us what are the texts which show the advantages and drawbacks of the progress ? To explain that we'll see some documents : the first is “odd man out”, the second is “science babies” and the last is “design your baby” (he is composed of two texts)

 In a first time, I'm going to explain “odd man out”. It's a picture which represents four muscular men on a conveyor belt but a man is different : he is skinny and weak. We can see a giant claw that is grabbing the man who is in the middle and rejecting him. We can imagine that he will be throw away in the skip in the foreground of the picture. In this bin we can see a lot of men with flaws ; they are rejecting because of their defects. This picture is an example of selecting breading. The cartoonist wants to see us that it's as if humans were created in a factory, and he criticize selective breading. He wants to shows that scientist will be likely to create the perfect man or woman.

In a second time, I'm going to see “science babies”. This document is an article written by Aldous Huxley. This article was published in 1932. This text talks about test-tube babies : they are inside a kind of glass eggs, scientists try to eliminate abnormalities to fabricate millions of identical “twins”. For the scientist, this work is wonderful and amazing, he seems to be emotional, for him it's progress. A lot of people would disagree with that because it's not natural, with this innovation maybe everyone would think the same thoughts. The author denounces the attitude of scientists, this situation represents human stupidity because they wouldn't have feeling or personal identity, they wouldn't be really human, more like robots or machines.

In a last time we will explain “design your baby”. This document is divided into two texts :
-The text A is an article from internet newspapers published on January 29, 2010 about designer babies. This text explain that scientific procedures are compared to a fast food order : parents can choose their baby's gender, hair colour, health and intelligence ( but only rich people can have the best babies). The author wants to show that genetic modification is a reality today, it's a science fact, it's really happening today? And readers can understood that is useless to do that.
-The text B is an article from a newspaper, published on October 1, 2010 about genetic screening. This text shows us that designer babies are also useful because they save lives. The author takes an example, that of Molly who needed some marrow to survive, so the scientists picked out her brother to save her. With this text, readers understood that sometimes genetic screening represent a necessary choice of life or death, so scientists try to get a healthy baby.

To conclude, all of the texts talk about scientific progress and the picture talks about social progress. “Odd man out” evokes a reality about the standardization if the society, this picture denounce a few-things.” Science babies” talks about test-tube babies, he shows the drawbacks of scientific progress : scientists create the same persons it's a form of distopia because we wouldn't have a feeling or a personal identity. “ Design your baby” evokes the possibilities of “choose” your baby. To me, it's a bit useless but the second text talks about the health of the baby : they can picked out marrow to save lives for example, to my mind, it's very useful.
Finally, we can say that texts about “design your baby” show the advantages of scientific progress and “science babies” shows the drawbacks. “ Odd man out” shows a little bit drawbacks but it's more a reality. To finish, we can ask us where will go the progress ?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Flavie TS3, The Idea of progress

I am going to talk about the notion of progress, I've chosen different documents to illustrate it.

→ For example, we have studied an picure about progress scientific. On picture, we can see four men on a conveyor belts, and a man who is short and weak. The man is rejected in a giant claws, only because he's different.
• Only people diffrent are concerned by progress, also it's real because today many people different are rejected of society. I think we can talk about dehumanization, because we are all different, but scientist development is to create clones.
So, on the one hand technical progress is positive, but on the other hand it's negative beacause persons are rejected.
• The cartoonist's message is that scientists will be likely o create the perfect man or woman.


 → We have studied another document about progress scientific. The title of text is « Science babies ». Scientists try to eliminate abnormalities to fabricate 'twins'. I think scientists don't know limits of progress, and isn't natural if we can have a perfect baby. I suppose this situation represents human stupidity because we wouldn't have our own personality, we are more like robots machines.

•This document illustrate also progress because there is an innovation scientific. But there are limits in progress, for me isn't a good idea to create the same babies.


→ I have chosen another document, it's an article from an Internet newspaper, written in 2010. This article talk about designer babies (test tube babies). We can see 2 scientists who look like each other, the baby in the test tube looks like them too. So they're trying to create a perfect baby,but it'sz ironic beacause they are using themselves as a model. This article represents progress scientific because they aim is to create a perfect baby, and it's possible ! But I think it's a good idea because they are not perfect, and they'll create the same babies. This is the same problem than in text " Science babies ".

→ To conclure, I think progress is a good new to save people's lives, to improve living conditions, to create new technologies... But there are limits, and scientists don't realize ever where are the real problems.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Idea of progress (Adriane TES2)

The idea of progress

In 21st century, exist now many news technologies to change or reveint the world. This idea pf progress is positive when affects innovation or creation of news products. But there is still the big question of cloning, to whether it is good or not.
First, we are going to study the positives effects of the 21st century skills. Second, we present the drawbacks of them.

In poor countries, news technologies are rare. So when there is a little progress to help the country, it's a good new. This is the case with William Kamkwamba. In fact William was born in a poor famers's family in Malawi. Where there is famine, where there are no electricity, no water, William learned physics on his own, to built windmills. With this process, he can generate electricity, pump water, regarge cellphones, use computer and help neighbors.
In USA, a developed country, there are news technologies to save lives. A article from «US Today» about true story shows that genetic selection can cure diseases. It's the case with Molly who has cured of a rare illness. In fact, her parents turned to PGD to pick out a embryo to implant to give birth to their son. And with his cord blood cells, they have can save Molly.
Genetic selection is also beneficial when women can't have babies naturally. They could have them with this process.

But progress can be excessive because genetic selection isn't natural and it could be dangerous. It isn't completely safe and it's against laws in bioethics. It's like a baby-shop bu babies shouldn't ba a «fashion», shouldn't be a business.
In «The Sixth Day», about human cloning, the actor Adam is in shop called «repet» because he want to clone his daughter's dog. The salesman tries to convince Adam to clone his dog, is presenting advantages like for example it will remember everything, all the tricks. But he doesn't explain the drawbacks because he want to cell this new technology.
Also, in our society, many people are rejected because they feels different because they are not as muscular, for example, as the other men. But it's dangerous because people might commit suicide. There shouldn't be any differences between people. In classroom, we have seen a cartoon where here are a lot of tall muscular men but one of them is different. He's short, skinny and weat. He's being rejected in a dumpster by the factory.

So there are news technologies which help people or countries, such as in Malawi with William Kamkwamba. But sometimes, the progress goes very far without even worrying about the dangerous effects that they could have on the hearth and in the society.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Haïdée - T ES 2 - Idea of progress

Hello, I'm going to talk about the idea of progress
First of all, I would like give a definition of progress: it's the forward movement/ advance/ development; it’s also the gradual betterment, especially the progressive development of humankind.
So, I have chosen 3 documents to illustrate the notion:
-          first is William's action in Malawi
-          second is the speech of  B.Obama : “Helping the dreamers”
-          and, the last it's two text of designer babies
This is a choice very various to present idea of progress,

I start with William's action the poor farmer in the country of Africa: Malawi.
In Malawi, there are big famine is in his country; where he live with his big family, it's a farmer and know misery. So, to fight is curse, he learned physics on his own and, after, he built windmill. Now, his family can have water and electricity, they can recharge their cellphone and help their neighbors,
In this document, progress is the windmills and its result.
To me, He is very brave and the windmills it's really a progress for his family. It's really an example for every young person in his situation or not...

 Second is the president's speech, It's Barack Obama who speak and he tell that, he want with his secretary Napolitano, “helping the dreamers”: the dreamers are young American undocumented. So, they can have their driver's license or a scholarship and it's so bad of them. Maybe they fell different so the president want find solution for this younger American.
In this document, the progress is social and political.
To my mind, the speech is so interesting and new. One president who wants helping young people it's new and, I suppose, very new and again infrequent.

The last document its articles of newspaper, speak about designer baby.
The first article it's negative and presents the defects of this progress. The text speaks about “The shop of baby” or the difference with the “natural baby” and the negative’s result.
The second present one advantage of this scientific progress. Molly is sick and for cure her daisies, their parents choose to make another child.
If, we use this progress to cure daisies or to help some mum to have children, I agree with this technology.

So their 3 documents are very different but, I think, the progress is not a bad thing if we reflect before at the different results… The world is progressing since every time so the progress in generally is very good but like everything with moderation…

Thank you for your attention
Good bye

The idea of progress - Pierre TS3

The idea of progress

I am going to talk about the idea of progress through four documents in a sequence “Brave New World” and they are two extracts of texts, a caricature and a film. The idea of progress is an advancing in a development scientific.
The first document that studied is a caricature. In this caricature, there are many perfect men on a conveyor belt, and one different man who is weak. The skinny man is rejeted. They have been rejeted because of their short commings and he doesn't correspond to the ideal of standardization.
They are clones, it's a selective breeding or genetic engineering or eugenics, and today, it's oublowed.
I'm think that no es un idea of progress because there is a selection of human.
The cartoonist is message is that scientists will be likely to create the perfect man or woman.
After, the second document is an extract of the text on a test-tube babies. They are inside a kind of glass egg, like an incubator and the scientists try to eliminate abnormalities to fabricate millions of identical “twins”.
So, I'm think bad if there are no limits and is bad from the idea of progress.
A lot of people would disagreebecause it's not natural. Everyone would think the same thoughts and we wouldn't have a feeling of personal identity.
And I think that the situation doesn't represent progress but reprensents the human stupidity.
The human become more robots or machines that be really humain.
The third document is an extract of film that the tittle is “The Sixth Day”. They are two characters, a salesman who wants to sell cloned pet. And a father, who wants to clone his daughter's dog. There is an advantage that are benefits. I'm think they are new technologies for clone dogs but it's a negative points for the scientific progress because it's dangerous and haven't soul. It's an innovation but it's a heartbreak.
And this last document is an article from an internet newspaper about designer babies. There are two scientists who make the test-tube on babies. They are trying to create a perfect baby but it's ironic because they are using themselves as a model and they are fat. A genetic modification is a reality today. It's a science fact and their parents can choose their baby's gender, hair colour, eye colour, health and intelligence. They search the best baby. It's a scientific progress and technical progress. It's an innovation.

The Idea of Progress, Haïdée, TES2

The idea of progress

Hello, I'm going to talk about the idea of progress
First of all, I would like give a definition of progress: it's the forward movement/ advance/ development; it’s also the gradual betterment, especially the progressive development of humankind.
So, I have chosen 3 documents to illustrate the notion:
-          first is William's action in Malawi
-          second is the speech of  B.Obama : “Helping the dreamers”
-          and, the last it's two text of designer babies
This is a choice very various to present idea of progress,

I start with William's action the poor farmer in the country of Africa: Malawi.
In Malawi, there are big famine is in his country; where he live with his big family, it's a farmer and know misery. So, to fight is curse, he learned physics on his own and, after, he built windmill. Now, his family can have water and electricity, they can recharge their cellphone and help their neighbors,
In this document, progress is the windmills and its result.
To me, He is very brave and the windmills it's really a progress for his family. It's really an example for every young person in his situation or not...

 Second is the president's speech, It's Barack Obama who speak and he tell that, he want with his secretary Napolitano, “helping the dreamers”: the dreamers are young American undocumented. So, they can have their driver's license or a scholarship and it's so bad of them. Maybe they fell different so the president want find solution for this younger American.
In this document, the progress is social and political.
To my mind, the speech is so interesting and new. One president who wants helping young people it's new and, I suppose, very new and again infrequent.

The last document its articles of newspaper, speak about designer baby.
The first article it's negative and presents the defects of this progress. The text speaks about “The shop of baby” or the difference with the “natural baby” and the negative’s result.
The second present one advantage of this scientific progress. Molly is sick and for cure her daisies, their parents choose to make another child.
If, we use this progress to cure daisies or to help some mum to have children, I agree with this technology.

So their 3 documents are very different but, I think, the progress is not a bad thing if we reflect before at the different results… The world is progressing since every time so the progress in generally is very good but like everything with moderation…

Thank you for your attention
Good bye

English test
Haïdée DAMIEN – ETIEVE  -  T ES 2

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The idea of progress (Anaïs TES2)

    I am going to talk about the idea of progress. First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion : the idea of progress can be defined as an imporvement, a development or a change, a technical, a scientist or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. Today, the idea of progress can be negative or positive. For me, the documents that seem to best illustrate the notion are « Free at last » an extract of novel, « Trapped on the track » a cartoon and « How I harnessed the win » an extract from a film. I have chosen these documents because they each represent an idea of progress as a scientific, technological or a social progress.

    The first document I have chosen is from an extract of novel, written by Alain Sillitoe which the title « The Lonelinessof the Long Distance runner » was published in 1959. It deals with the problem of freedom, it's social progress. The narrtor is a delinquent, who is in a correctionnal institute. He's a young man who likes running. He could want to be a professional athlete. For me, everyone can achieve a goaln to accomplish his dreams. The things that you may not be proud of doing, it was allright to believe in their dreams and want to achieve them, as we say the narrator in this text. Some people have done terrible things, but mostly they regret, mistakes of the past they want to forget to start a new life. This text represent the idea of progress because people who live in this prison can be free when they are running in the forest. It's a new way of life for them. It's a progress because it's a modern concept.

    The idea of progress can be negative. We can see this in the second document « Trapped in the track », a cartoon. It's the idea of progress because we can be most fast with illegal drug as the athletes today. Illegal drug use, doping and inequality between runners who use drugs and runners who don't are critized in the cartoon.
The cartoon's goal is to show most athletes are not real athletes. He wants to show that too many athletes are cheating.
It's the idea of progress with a negative aspect beacause today many athletes use illegal drug, I think their health is at shake.

    But the idea of progress has positive aspects as the extract from a film which is title is « How I harnessed the win », by William Kamkwamba. It's a technological progress because he was built a windmill in Malawi, a poor country where there are no electricity and no water. We say that he didn't speak English and he never used a computer. I think he's courageaous man because he learned physics on his own and he was make genereating electricity and pump water for the lights, to recharge cellphones and help his neigbors. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The idea of progress - Juliette TES2

The idea of progress !

The idea of progress is an important point today because the world is always changing !
This notion can be positive when we talk about new creations or new technologies which permit to save lives, for example. But it can be negative too, like in the cloning case.
First, we are going to present two examples of the positive effects of the idea of progress. And after, we are going to talk about negative effects.

The idea of progress can take several different forms. First, I think at the testimony, which call 'How I harnessed the wind', on the website TED. In this video, the idea of progress is represented by the wish of William Kamkwamba to move everything to change their life. In fact, this person was a poor farmer in Malawi who live with this family in a little house without electricity or water. To sort out this problem, he had read books and learned physic on his own. Finally, he built a windmill to pump water and to generate electricity to recharge cellphones for example. This progress help their family and their neighbors too.
But there isn't just technical progress. Even if there are arguments for and against, Genetic selection can still save lives. This is the case in an article from the newspaper USA today. This text explain that Molly, a young teenager girl has a rare illness. Her two parents have choose to give birth to her brother, Adam, now 9, who has, after a PGD, the same genetic characteristics. The cord blood transplantation was the only solution to save Molly's life !

But progress has its limits. It can beginning a factor of discrimination like in the cartoon 'Odd man out'. A lot of muscular men on a conveyor belt are presents. One of them is different, more short and skinny, and he is being reject by the factory. The idea is that progress can create differences enter humans. We could be dehumanized and people might commit suicide because they wouldn't be any different between people.
'The sixth day' about human cloning is a second example for this problem. This extract from a film presents the character, Adam, in a shop called 'Repet'. He wants to clone his daughter's dog. This scientific progress can be dangerous for a lot of reasons. Each of them is that we can “lose” our soul.

To conclude, we have seen that progress can be a lot of things. It can be technological, scientific, mental (with the wish to change of W.K), …

And if these changes are sometimes good or sometimes bad, it's at the humans to determine those which are necessary for humanity ! 

The idea of progress (Marion TES2)

The Idea for Progress

            I'm going to present the Idea of Progress. First, I'm going to speak about the case of William Kamkwamba in Malawi. Second, I speak about the man offender who runs in the forest. And finally, I take the example with a cartoon who show the system of cloning.

            Firstly, it would be better to define the term idea’s of progress. The official definition is: “main focus in the complexity of the tool world, the concept of progress accompanied the great moments in history. He crosses and challenges the legacy and traditions, resulting in a wide variety of development and resistance against the change process.”
            In the 21st century, the idea of progress has positive aspects, as with William Kamkwamba, has built with his own hands a windmill in Malawi. This man lives in a very little house with no electricity and no water. He learned through physical books. In my opinion, I find this very brave man because with the windmills, he could save his poor family from the famine by giving electricity.
            Similarly, taking the example « Free at last », the idea of progress is positive. Indeed, in this extract from the novel « The Loneliness of the long-distance runner » to Alan Sillitoe, he speaks of a young offender in a correctional institute in Bostral, who runs early in the morning in the forest to release tension in the prison. This is his passion, for him it's a time when he thinks of nothing. This man is getting to be one of the best runners. I find this idea of progress very interesting because it give another caricature of the prison in general, the offenders can get out of this prison a few hours to relax.
            However, the idea of progress has limits and especially negative aspects. Indeed, in the cartoon entitled « Odd man out », there are a lot of tall muscular men, but one of them is different. He is short, skinny and weak. He is being rejected by the factory. In the foreground, we can see a rubbish bin for rejects. For me, the cloning system is not normal, people might commit suicide. We could be dehumanized, are treated like merchandise.

            To conclude on this idea of progress, she has advantages for innovation, with against for cloning, she has very drawbacks. The case of William Kamkwamba is proof that it can work miracles.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The idea of progress - LaurieTES2

The idea of progress 

      My presentation is going to deal with the idea of progress. The notion of progress is very important in the 21st century. There is a lot of evolution : both social and scientific... I will present this notion with 3 documents. 

 First, the cartoon « Odd man out » represents tall muscular men. Only one is different because he is skinny, short and weak. He is rejectd in a bin by the factory since he doesn't have the same body and isn't as muscular as the other men. This document represents social progress in an imaginary society. Here, the progress is very negative since everybody have differents and flaws. I'm desagree because i don't want society to become like that. It's unfair for the little boy as is throw away. There wouldn't be any differents between people.

Then, we can see an article from USA today (B page 64). It was published the first on october, 2010. It's a true story of genetic selection. Moly have an illness and she is alive due to his brother. He make a genetic selection when he was a baby. Now, Molly is save, but we don't know side effect (for the future). It's a breaktrough for the medical progress. This true story give hope about the end of illness. People are optimistic because it's a real progress. In my opinion, it's very positive ( since a life is to save !). If medical progress continue, a lot of people can cure of illness. 

 To finish, we can see a segment from the movie « The sixth Day ». This movie is about cloning. It's the story of Adam (a father) who go in the shop « RePet » for clone his daughter's dog. The salesman tries to explain the situation and to convince Adam to clone is dog. Adam want to have the same dog. This document shows a proven technology. I think it's very dangerous and negative. In this imaginary society, everybody is alive and the « true » isn't here. So, this true person is dead. Cloning is dangerous for the real life. For me, this innovation for to brnig back to life is negative. We must dead a day. 

     In conclusion, the idea of progress is mixed. A part is very positive progress because people are alive for a long time and they are in good health. But in an other part, it's very dangerous since the life isn't a movie : we can't to bring back to life, humans must dead a day.