Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Progress Project (Romain-TS3)

The idea of progress I'm going to talk about the idea of progress. This theme speak about the progressive development of humankind. To illustrate this notion, I have chosen four documents because I think they show the progress and they are good example of progress. What are the good points and bad points of the progress ? To answer, I'm going to explain the documents. First, we have seen a picture with four muscular men and one skinny, short, on a conveyer belt. A giant claw is grabbing the skinny man and rejecting him. We can see men with flaws on a bin so we can suppose this men will be throw in the skip. This document is an example of selective breeding : The skinny man doesn't correspond to the ideal of standardization so he isn't accepted. The cartoonist criticize this selective breeding, I agree with him. I think it's bad to reject people just because he's different. In a second time, we have spoken about a novel. This extract of a novel make us understand that scientists try to eliminate abnormalities to fabricate millions of identical “twins”. For the scientists, this work is amazing but I think it's not really wonderful. Everybody would be the same, we wouldn't have our own personnality. The third document it's an article from an internet newspaper about designer baby. There is a little picture, we can see two scientists who are trying to create the perfect baby. In the text, we understand that everybody can choose the cosmetics caracteristics of them babies. It's a reality today, it's a science fact. The autor don't show what he thinks about this, in my opinion it's useless to change our baby. Finally, we have seen a text which explain that genetic screening can be use to save people's lives, so it's usefull. I think, for this four documents, it's the only who represents the good point of progress. Moreover, this document is a reality too. We can see differents kind of progress. Many points are bad like the selective breeding, the power to choice cosmetics caracteristics. But there is a very good point : science can be used to save life.

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